Survey Points To Layout your Next Project

When you are going to layout the location of sleeves, block-outs, hangers, trenches, and more, then survey points are what you need from us. We are well versed in the latest technologies to provide accurate survey points for your project layout. Working with surveying is crucial for the construction of an accurate project. Survey points will help in the completion of the MEP BIM Solution layout process.

Purpose of Survey Points in Project Layout

Survey points serve the purpose of bringing real-world point locations that have been coordinated through the BIM & VDC Process. Laying out specific points for the construction in the building of a structure requires precision. Survey points allow for minimal mistakes to be made in the layout process. Surveying serves the greater purpose of saving time and money on your project.

Project layout technologies are replacing the old-school way of project layout. You may have seen tape, strings, and other items for marking up a construction site. With survey points, the accuracy is much greater, so physical identification and markings are unnecessary.

Why Choose Advanced BIM Solutions, LLC ?

With everything that goes into planning construction, survey points in project layout are extremely valuable. At Advanced BIM Solutions, LLC, we can help you with every aspect of your project planning. If you are in need of survey points in project layout, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Advanced BIM Solutions, LLC at 469.279.5944 today for more information on our project layout services!